SuperDoge’s First Community Charity Vote Coming Soon!

2 min readJul 22, 2021


It is nearly three months since the launch of SuperDoge, which means it’s time to choose the next three recipients of our charity program. As a community-based project, each $SUPDOG holder will have a say on which charities we will be working with. Voting will unlock on 7/23/2021 and end on 7/28/2021 and will be conducted through

You only get one vote and it cannot be changed, so please choose wisely superheroes! A fair and secure voting system

Here at SuperDoge we believe that blockchain technology can revolutionize the way in which charity projects are run, but superpowers also require super responsibility! Our goal is to have a legitimate voting process void of any sort of favoritism or manipulation by bots or bad actors. Security measures will include a wallet connection paired with our internal device fingerprinting, as well as IP checks.

Additionally, the list of charities will be displayed randomly every time the page is accessed to produce a fair result.

2% of every $SUPDOG transaction is sent directly to charity via locked smart contract with 0% chance of fraud.

Every three months, this portion of the contract will unlock and the community will decide which charities to work with. The transactions and balances of each charity wallet are publicly available information and may be viewed on the blockchain explorer BscScan.
Charity Wallet 1
Charity Wallet 2
Charity Wallet 3

Article I Charity applications If you would like to apply for the SuperDoge charity program please submit an email with the following information to

  1. Logo
  2. Name
  3. Website
  4. Social links
  5. A promotional video or picture of your charity
  6. 6. A write-up on the charity and why you believe the community should choose yours The deadline for applications is July 23rd .

$SUPDOG is an entertainment and media-based blockchain technology project utilizing NFTs to create positive change. For more info, join our community:















Written by SUPERDOGE

SuperDoge is an entertainment and media-based blockchain technology project utilizing NFTs to create positive change.